Monday 27 June 2011

They're squealing now

The propaganda is accelerating. The sheep fodder is getting downright Orwellian.
Tonight's output from fascist (look it up - the ethos he pushes is the definition of corporate socialism) little shit Dominic littlewood (tv consumer investigator) was unbelievable in its levels of doublethink. He revealed some fraudulent/fake vet. (Disclaimer - Libertarians are against coercive compulsory regulations and licensing but in this case the corollary is that libertarians are also against fraud. I would argue that fraudulently benefitting from coercive market restrictions as this scumbag did by claiming to be a state licensed vet is a double no.) So although the subject of the piece was no hero of libertarianism Littlewood's film was more about how wonderful the regulatory body that supposedly prevents this sort of thing was. We were treated to shots of their tax funded architectural wonder of a college which dishes out 5 year over the top degrees to limit entry to the veterinary market. But the right at the very end, as a mumbled addendum it was revealed that this super human regulatory body staffed by ubermensch so angelic they don't require anything more than sheer altruism to motivate their oversight, actually granted him his license in the first place thus causing the problem!
So anyone with their head screwed on right can see past the propaganda to the essential truth of the matter. Littlewood, as witless mouthpiece of the statist-quo, is trotting out the standard praise in justification of regulation. The sheeple automatically and subconsciously absorb this message on the necessity of regulation as implicitly reinforcing the necessity of the state because obviously without a coercive state there couldn't possibly be any voluntary  forms of accreditation or qualification could there. We would all be horse abusing, money grabbing fraudsters and there would be no 'final arbiter' to deal with such fraud. Except even with the loving caring state as mother and protector and the regulatory angels providing oversight this still happens. So we can see the doublethink behind the pro-state regulation story. It was the failure of the regulatory state that led to the problems here. Perhaps if they were motivated by having to maintain a competitive reputation they might actually look at the applications before rubber stamping them.
Then in his next report littlewood moved on to awaken us to the existence of worthless fake currency! I almost pissed myself laughing at the irony. Apparently there are some coin presses operated by unlicensed counterfeiters! It doesn't count as real money if it isn't the state conjuring it from thin air. But again the baddy of the piece wasn't the failure of the state regulator oh no - its the banks. The fact that the royal mint has an exclusive monopoly on the supply of money was completely ignored. It is the manufacturer and distributor and as such is supposed to weed out the fakes, defects and worn coins. But the state has failed even in the supply of fiat currency! As the good little statist, Littlewood blames the banks. He thinks they should be checking the shit they receive even more than they already are. And I am sure that he expects them to do it for free. And I am sure that as an irrational idiot of a 'champion for consumer rights' if the banks were to do so he would complain that their charges had increased.
Beyond these two examples of unquestioning pro state doublethink there is a never ending supply. I say doublethink because the message is pro state fear mongering that constantly obfuscates the fact that the state causes the problems.
The BBC recently broadcast a Panorama program entitled 'somalia: land of anarchy'. This was the usual parade of pro state fear mongering and I am currently preparing a post in direct response to this piece. Funnily enough immediately after this program panorama apologised for a program last year in which they falsified 'evidence' in their smear against bargain clothing chain primark - our unbiased state broadcaster 'erroneously' inserted footage of a child sweatshop. Then there was an advert for a dramatisation of huge government proto nwo mafia clan the kennedys. The beeb lurves big government.
Away from the BBC channel 4 are trailing a Dispatches program about how evil gold is because there are some kids down mines somewhere. I'm sure western statism in no small part exacerbates the factors that push 3rd world kids into mining but ill try not to get side tracked. This as yet unbroadcast program may or may not mention the professional mines in America or Canada but that wouldn't be very sensationalist would it. Even if this program focuses on gold for jewellery you just know that the 'wont someone think of the children' arguments it augments will be rolled out for any libertarian gold as currency arguments.
Literally every single thing on television makes my blood boil. Perhaps I'm paranoid but if you're at all open to the possibility that a cosy establishment media might have an agenda you can see the pro state anti individual message everywhere.

1 comment:

  1. To much for my distracted mind to go into (but I did read it all - can't say I understood all your points - maybe my distacted brain again) but agreed that dominic littlewood is a fascist little shit. I just cme on the 'puter as he is now on testing out the states tagging system and telling us how good it is. What a cunt.
