Thursday 23 June 2011

Back in the USSR

Yes I've come crawling back to the Blogosphere. I thought I could escape the gnawing sense of frustration and fury felt by anyone who has become awoken to the nature of the world and the realisation that it simply does not have to be this way. I thought that by turning off my RSS feed of what can be unavoidably and necessarily negative discourse I could live in that comfy blissful ignorance that the sheeple here in the USSR seem to so enjoy. I have never experienced such thoughtless contentment in my entire life. Even before I self educated myself into awareness I had nagging doubts and questions that nothing in the mainstream could answer. Almost one year ago I accidentally stumbled upon libertarianism and I would not now take The Blue Pill if given the chance despite the frustration and fury that The Red Pill has caused as the side effect of enlightenment by objective truth.

So once again I wade into the breach to badly regurgitate the most powerful liberating truth that I thrive upon from others far more able than myself. My return to this perhaps fruitless addiction has been part pushed by an escalating rage toward burgeoning oppression and part pulled by the need to highlight the fast escalating shit that is coming our way. But fear not - there are some rays of hope, some possibilities for freedom. I take inspiration in my online resurgence from the reappearance of The Greek Riot Dog. If you wanna see the spirit of freedom and liberty go youtube the riot dog.

Thats the look of a noble, self-owning, sovereign being that knows no coercion and aint gonna take that shit


  1. It's interesting to say the least. Waking up has not only bee the worst time in my life, but also a very enlightening one. It also depends very much on your character and how you see reality. For me, well, honesty is what I've built my life on and to find out everything you grew up being taught is nothing but bullshit, it leaves an empty hole in your stomach.

    I do warn people about waking up as they won't like it. I tell them to think long and hard before freefalling down the rabbit hole, because once you're in, your there for the rest of your life and it, as I said, depends on your character how you progress.
    What tends to stop me from losing my rag at people, although I have a couple of times on the blogsphere is to realise you to were once in the same position as them. You were completely ignorant, happy to look at the Wizard of Oz, while completely ignoring the man behind the curtain.

    What's the answer? Well, we're headed to some kind of physical conflict overwhelmingly as the eltes have this all sorted out well in advance. It just depends who they go for doesn't it?
    The thought of getting away and moving to another land is completely pointless because you're only delaying the inevitable.

    Fuck. I wish I'd been born in the 13th century. Sure there was a hell of a lot of persecution, but I was allowed to carry a weapon to protect myself and there weren't any CCTV cameras to follow my every move either....


  2. thanks for commenting, good to hear from you

    "What tends to stop me from losing my rag at people, although I have a couple of times on the blogsphere is to realise you to were once in the same position as them. You were completely ignorant, happy to look at the Wizard of Oz, while completely ignoring the man behind the curtain."

    Essential advice. I cant imagine what I would have thought if my present self bombarded the assumptions of my past self.

    I dont think people can be awoken by the intentional actions of others. I stumbled into this accidentally and pursued it because it made sense and provided answers where nothing else had ever succeeded. no matter how hard I shout or how persuasively I argue or how much rational evidence I pile up I have never convinced anyone else to completely renounce their faith in the state. when the individual is ready they will become receptive and they will find the truth for themselves but not before. more's the pity.

    I recently watched a video that answered some of the few questions that still trouble me and, it seems, alot of libertarians/anarchists/freemen call them what you will - the lovers of freedom. it explained why politics does not work. why bad shit happens and why there is virtually no way of changing things. it logically explained the near pointlessness of blogging, protesting and almost everything that we do in our attempts to gain freedom. sounds depressing but ultimately it is hopeful in that if a large enough portion of our minority act in concert we can actually achieve freedom for ourselves if not anyone else. unfortunately what this view does is to add yet another layer of truth and thus yet another challenge of awareness. now, in addition to freedom seekers being a tiny minority, there are, within that group, an even smaller minority that actually realise how it can be achieved.

    not a good looking vid but give it a chance if youve got the time as i believe it answers the few questions that standard libertarian ideas fail to address.

  3. Hi Will,

    Thanks for replying. I caught your blog on Ranty's one, liked what I read, could identify with it and hence why I commented.

    I used to blog until I realised the futility in it. You may have come across it - Harbinger's Journal? Anyway, it's no longer up as thanks to the Unite Against Fascism, it was removed from Google, along with my Youtube and email accounts. They didn't like what I was writing about, as I always scraped nerves, sometime severing them and there was nothing I wouldn't discuss, everything from questioning Judaism and the holocaust to the impact of immigration and cultural imposition upon indigenous cultures, not just here in the UK, but throughout the world. Harbinger's Journal was a complete turn around in my life because previously I'd been awoken to the MSM propaganda that I'd swallowed hook, line and sinker. In my blog before my last, I had a rather large following but removed it because although I still discussed important matters within society, mostly dissecting newspaper articles, there was too much that I was ignorant to and it had to go in the bin.

    Politics doesn't work. I moved from the age of early twenties to late thirties from liberal conservative, to nationalist, to libertarian nationalist, to libertarian to eventual anarchist. I saw the futility within it all and to quote the antiterrorist, any logical libertarian becomes and anarchist eventually. I saw no purpose whatsoever in politics; nothing but a total waste of time.

    And finally, I did write a long piece before I ended my blog (it was removed but that was only after I'd hung up my books and decided to come back and start again) on just what you discuss at the end of your reply, on the fact there is virtually nothing we can do to change things. Of course in doing so, I did get negative responses from a few but I explained that when you go deep into the fabrics of society, people are 100% controlled by the MSM and the MSM will continue to paint those (you and me) who want to break free from the slavery of the system as nothing but trouble makers. I also went into explaining the fact that everyone has been conditioned as the years of brainwashing and indoctrination have worked on changing the people into something they never were before. I also wrote, as my first article after stopping blogging on culture, seeing that no one in the UK follows their indigenous culture and thus it does not make them English, Scottish, Irish or Welsh. In a nutshell the UK is fucked and people will very probably start to wake up and join the dots, but by that time the control over all will be so great there will be nothing that can be done.
    I'll look at the link as well and appreciate it.


  4. i subscribed to Harbingers Journal. i read and commented on it from probably around this time last year onwards until you understandably put it to rest. it was one of the most real blogs there was. didnt hide behind faux journalism or diversionary tv politics. i remember in particular discussing tolkien-esque anarchy in the style of The Shire with you in one comment thread.
    i didnt know about the gagging of your previous voice. even though its a load of long winded trip and i get way sidetracked from the actual point - my last blog post is meant to be about anonymous blogging etc that cannot be shut down by anyone. its exactly that kind of despotic agenda driven thuggery you suffered that i want people to be able to avoid.
    all the best

  5. ps i replied to your reply to my comment over at ranty's but blogger has lost it somehow

  6. Ah yes! Now I remember you Will! Of course, I remember our discussions well. A bit of good news in that I may be putting up a website as when my last blog was removed, certain friends copied my whole blog as they didn't want to see any of my articles go to waste. I was a bit touched by that as recent visits to blogs have said so. LOL

    Anyway, I'll pop over to Ranty's and have a look at your reply and of course comment. Got this blog bookmarked. I'll be a regular visitor. After all, it's the only right!


  7. well if and when i get round to setting up any of these impervious anonymous blogging systems ill let you know so you can upload your old stuff where noone can silence you.
