Thursday 3 March 2011

handshakes of hypocrisy

Libya 2011 is the most blatant example of the audacity of our overlords. They are so secure behind the power of their priest class that they are now able to openly insult their slaves with overt displays of transparent hypocrisy barely disguised by an unstoppable and pervasive double-think.

i could delve into the corruption of oil deals and weapons deals and negotiable legitimacy for a price but its already been done. googling western links to gaddafi through arms deals, oil deals and financial corruptions is like shooting fish in a barrel.  instead i will merely re-churn the mountain of evidence of our rulers' hypocrisy. 

My real concern here is not particularly events the other side of the continent but rather the 2+2=5 power of the msm priest class. throughout human history those in the position of coercive power have relied upon a priest class to legitimise their rules. these days the priest class are the msm. this includes the policy makers and agenda setting intellectuals and academics. when you read the mail article about the lse taking cash from gaddafi family in return for conferring legitimacy on their gangsterism it is difficult to not be dismayed by the interconnectedness of the individuals involved. politicians, civil servants, intelligence agents, oil companies, intellectuals, and party oligarchies are all so interwoven as to become indistinct. i cant even begin to explain the horrors revealed in that article without simply reproducing it so i urge you to take a look. this isnt tin-foil hat wearing conspiracy theory. this is the real, actual, here and now evidence of the powers that be and their functionaries in the priest class. the article should open people's eyes to the fact that state is so much more than just the government. but, as i say, the power of the priest class is such that 'the people' can be shown chummy handshakes one moment and next see those same western faces decrying gaddafi's history of repression without realising let alone reacting to such blatant hypocrisy.
Gaddafi's libya was apparently all alright just a few months ago when most of these smiling handshakes took place. but now the pronouncements have declared it to be the cess pit of evil. so turn on your distraction box and think as youre told!

obama himself has been very careful to only talk in terms of 'Libya'  and has delegated direct commentary on Gaddafi himself to the secretary of state and white house spokes people. this is why.

the same gallery of hypocrisy could be done with any of the recently 'revealed' oppressors in the middle east/northern africa. for example here's one such collection of mubarak and 50 of his chums.

as an unrelated postscript i couldnt help laughing at this nugget that turned up whilst googling gaddafi hypocisy.
"When a leader's only means of staying in power is to use mass violence against his own people, he has lost the legitimacy to rule and needs to do what is right for his country by leaving now,"
the whitehouse quoted in the guardian. 

from the anarchist position this, coming from the top dog of all statists, is absolutely priceless. 
obama relies on the highly developed threat of violence to retain coercive power. in the west the use of coercion has been developed to such an extent that the masses will shout you down for even suggesting that the state is fundamentally built on and by violence. gaddafi and all the other recently 'revealed' oppressors in the middle east/northern africa have, as i have said before, only lost hold of this power because they were crap at it. they were overtly violent which is expensive, unstable and unsustainable. 'our' model of slavery is much more efficient and safe.


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