Saturday 5 March 2011

climate scam

ill try not to ramble. the video speaks for itself.

i am perhaps a tad younger than some bloggers. i have been raised in the era where schools, kids tv and every source of information was dedicated to the propaganda of the scam that goes by many names. the fact that the name changes every few years to avoid critical analysis should be one of hundreds of nails in the coffin of this con. global warming, a new ice age, climate change, cfc's, the greenhouse effect (remember that? im surprising myself as the memories come flooding back), the hole in the ozone layer (not heard much about that this last 12 years! the whole of australia should have died of exposure by now and the seas boiled), the rainforests, the icecaps, recycling, peak oil, yadda yadda et cetera et cetera ad infinitum.
i was a product of this. i was one of the kids Ball worries about. i felt guilty about driving 75 miles to work. i 'understood' that my fuel bill SHOULD be crippling to discourage myself and others from igniting armageddon. it wasnt until discovering a more critical view of such tripe from freedom loving news analysts that the scales fell from my eyes. as with anything and everything that doesnt make sense or feels unjust - if you want the truth follow the money. we all know that this crap is about cash and control. within 50 years 'carbon trading' will probably be dominate the global economy and will have 'evolved' into fabian eugenics. its an unarguable fact that the eco-warrior's child will be responsible for more evil CO2 than a fleet of cars offering cheap affordable personal transport. (eco cars are damn expensive arent they? the yank tanks of the 50s were the cheapest cars in history and every poor schmuck could power around in effortless individual freedom in his 6 litre pride and joy.) thankfully for the eco warrior and its dirty little spawn im not advocating their castration or abortion. its all bollocks. they can belch as much of whatever gas they please and wont make the blindest bit of difference to a 6 trillion trillion (and the rest) ton lump of rock hurtling through the infinite vastness of space at 30kms.
its all an excuse for new upward cash flows and extra power and control. human advancement and market forces should be making transport and just about everything else cheaper, faster, more plentiful. yet mysteriously we are living in increasing 'austerity'. all due to this variously named con. follow the money. if there weren't a few bankers down at that jolly in cancun id be amazed.

(i should credit where i first saw this vid)

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