Tuesday 15 February 2011

In defence of green ideas

In defence of 'green' energy.
There is an obvious anti green sentiment in libertarian thought (justifiable issues of state control) however its worth not being to simplistic and seeing it in purely black and white terms.
What is more libertarian - having your own private, tax free power supply or paying fuel duty and prices inflated by regulatory control?
I know its not a simple as that and, in accordance with my beliefs, I would never force anyone into it.
Think of the iliberal wars to secure energy resources. The cost of those wars.

Plus recycling should be a trade in a freemarket not to be done under the stick of coercion but under the carrot of payment. There is value in those material so their collection for recycling should be cheaper than for landfill.

Emissions and landfill polution should be an issue of property rights. At the dawn of the industrial revolution the state set the legal precedent by finding in favour of industrialists whose smoke stacks had damaged nearby farmland. Polycentric law would either prevent this through laws that truly applied equally to all or, if the industrialists were willing to pay enough for a freemarket law that allowed their pollution of private property and incentivised everyone else to agree, balance the damage.

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