Tuesday 15 February 2011

The future for liberty?

If, as all critiques of anarchism suggest, and some historical interpretations explain, that human nature tends toward the emergence of monopoly authority (a state) for stability, and by a similar token, states will tend to grow, become tyrannical, over expand and collapse (rome, 3rd Reich, ussr) then is humanity doomed to this endless cycle?
Perhaps but could it be argued that with each cycle we head toward greater individual liberty? Feudalism, monarchism, limited democracy, full franchise liberal democracy. Maybe after supra nations like the European union and the north American union of states become too cumbersome (fiat currencies and controlled markets fail under pressure of globalisation) and disintegrate we will head toward greater individual liberty with economies based on open markets and commodity backed currencies and localised governance (post eu intra state devolution).
Perhaps the us constitutional experiment in limited gov will be highlighted and a culture that mistrusts authority will emerge.
Perhaps we shall have to endure an additional step on the growth of authority at the expense of human liberty. Perhaps the answer to the above hemispherical supranationalism will be global governance? That is sure to fail and then what.

Looking beyond the western experience maybe Somalia illustrates that not only is statism unnecessary but will be continually avoided and overthrown by cultures that historically favour freedom (xeer law).

Perhaps the prophetic atlas shrugged will come true as states, motivated by critically, unsustainable national debts and manipulated jealous electorates turn on the wealth creators who, benefitting from globalisation of communication, finance, trade and manufacturing can operate anywhere on the planet they are above the state. Phyles/seasteads emerge and the now productively orphaned nation states starve.

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